画質 高画質

武漢肺炎又爆發,多得林鄭唔封關!手足們記住要洗手戴口罩,做足防疫準備,made in china嘅嘢唔啱我哋㗎,留返俾愛國藍絲同Popo慢慢享用啦!

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🚇Michael Chan is reviving unity and solidarity amongst their MTR colleagues of all ranks to ensure all of their voices can be heard, and to help improve the community's perception of the MTR.💪
👀https://t.co/eSgNF5DCEa 👈

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Hi I'm a Taiwanese-HongKonger-American illustrator based in Brooklyn, NY. My work is largely in editorial, publishing and advertising, but I'm always up for new challenges!

🌟 https://t.co/etprWO9d9R
💫 hello-chung.com

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The theme of fishes from our native country.

I've chosen the Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) from my home, the SF Bay Area. These fish are critically endangered. To represent my parent's home, the Hong Kong Paradise Fish (Macropodus hongkongensis).

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Im So so Damn Proud of you All Hongkongers for you cover yourselves in Honour during these most difficult times im proud to know you and stand with you All... ♥️

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☆Hongkonger,Taiwanese & Chinese only

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