michael moment lmao ✌️

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Astrocity is always found at arcades. She is fiercely competitive, and tends to be very snarky to more casual players. She is unemployed and has an allowance given to her by Megalo, spending all of her money on games and junk food. She hates Cyberlead..

...so she says

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started watching megalo box i really like this gearless joe guy

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Me explaining why Megalovania is a musical genre

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Happy joe day!!

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OH RIGHT! It wasn't Sans. It was...Underswap Papyrus...For some reason..
She woke up via MEGALOVANIA INTENSIFIES and a "Good morning, Human!" from Swap Sans. Blah blah blah exchange exchange exchaaange

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John Dilworth is like the New York version of John Kricfalusi

Zany cartoonists who even wear glasses, and there's more they share in common...

(except that Dilworth is not an abusive megalomaniac)

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Just wanted to show these off. ^^;
Diana the Dilophosaurus
Imperious Victorious the Megalosaurus
Sapilla the Allosaurus
R.A.M. the Triceratops

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NEWS: Moriarty the Patriot (Part 2), MEGALOBOX 2: NOMAD, The World Ends With You anime, and more will stream on Funimation next month.

🌟 MORE: https://t.co/MDzt1odR7g

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✳︎サイアクな めに あわされそうな よかんがする。

MEGALOVANIA からアンテを知ったのでサンズ戦めちゃくちゃ鳥肌だった…!

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Megalocnus Rodens del Pomier
Domingo Donouv. 2015

Publicada en la Revista Pommier. Fundación Cuevas del Pomier. 2do. Festival Cultural Indígena, Cuevas del Pomier. Año 2, No. 2, San Cristobal, República Dominicana, 2015.

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How about an english Megalosaurus?

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got some flats done after the stream i feel like the lineart came out pretty too

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