The female variant of the Dark Dwarves... She is NOT someone you want to mess with! Love the small details Zaid added!

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The Dwarves are a short but stout race of artisans, warriors and wizards. Found in nearly every city and culture across the realm. Their Tough constitution and strength are misleading compared to to their short stature!

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The Female Variant Gnoll. Smaller in stature than its Male counterpart, but just as deadly!

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The Gnolls are a race of nomad hunters, that are as quick to laughter as they are to anger, with a sense of humor that is often sarcastic and odd to outsiders.

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The elves are a fair but cautious race that can be found throughout the realm. Whether a skilled shot with a bow, or casting magic at their foes, they are always a welcome addition to the party!

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Brace yourselves, wargamers. Our superb range of miniatures will be available for pre-order this week. Ideal for and Ronin, these miniatures have to be seen to be believed.

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Meet Dave and his family :)
Our Peasants box will allow you to assemble a perfect horde of Living Dead, with a lot of different weapons and heads to obtain wonderful figures. We hope you will like them

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Just got a new piece of art for the SuperAge RPG; a duel between Mirrion and Aartael. It's running on Here:

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spotlight: Shadow Hunters by

It's an oldie, but goodie with hidden teams and “on reveal” roles provide a paranoia. As actions & hermit cards accumulate, more & more is known about your opponents.

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Cordates... One of the 30 races you can play as in Loot and Glory! Their cities can be found both under the sea itself and along coastlines. They are quick to embrace and fiercely loyal to those that they consider friends.

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The Female Variant of the Centaur Race. One of my favorite bits of artwork in the game. She turned out so adorable!

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Presenting the Centaur Race. One of the 30 races to play as in Loot and Glory! They are a proud, relatively peaceful race of nomadic hunters, with strong ties to family and friends.

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Here's first look at the action cards (1/8) for our game Ready, Set, Soup!
Done by our artist
Excited to show more in the coming days!

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