Purrisians are a catlike race that excels in sneaking, acrobatic fighting & speed. A virtual blur of fur on the battlefield.

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Female Variant of the Orc Race. One of 30 playable Races in Loot and Glory. Love the butterfly tattoo. I'm a fierce, bloodthirsty warrior, but I like pretty things!

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The mighty Orcs... Unparalleled in battle for their ferocity and strength, they are a race of few words but many actions.

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Female Variant of the Nephilim. One of the 30 races that you can play as.

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Nephilim. The offspring of angels and lesser races. While mortal, their personalities and wisdom belies the much longer lived race they descended from.

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When Musherons are killed in battle, they release magical spores that take root and grow into an offspring that has all the memories of it's "parent".

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A race of Sentient mushroom like people, the Musherons are nearly immortal. If killed in battle, their spores will create an offspring that will eventualy grow back into a full sized Musheron.

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