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RAFA SANDOVAL Renews DC 'Exclusive' Contract, Joins THE FLASH https://t.co/sd2d91hwBz
Check your eyes and ears at the door... #RudyGiuliani #TruthIsntTruth #kellyanneconway #AlternativeFacts #Trump #POTUS #FakeNews #MAGA @TheBuffaloNews https://t.co/07bDdtJ5od
This is THE ぎゃーーーーーっぷ(*`^´)
”優しいハグ”は紳士の証♡”ハグの仕方”で分かる「彼の性格」とは (恋愛.jp)
https://t.co/SWC57eEQTf #linenews
journalists are not the enemy.
@FCNP_Nicholas #JournalistsAreNotTheEnemy #FakeNews @realDonaldTrump
In the AFL, what happens on the field stays on the field!
#cartoon: @theheraldsun #AFL
#jumperpunch #punch #tribunal #AndrewBrayshaw #AndrewGaff #Gaff
#aussierules #Dockers #WestCoastEagles #vicpolicenews
@KWSnet RT
Rod Emmerson @rod
Editorial Cartoonist, The New Zealand Herald.
NZ Herald: "QAnon is terrifying. This is why" https://t.co/nGIHklie7M
🔸 'Fly! My Pretties! Fly! Fly!,' 4 Aug 2018 2018. Rod Emmerson, The New Zealand Herald.
My cartoon from today's @thetimes on #socialmedia vs #democracy
@facebook #Twitter #ancientgreece #junglebook #FakeNews #BrexitLies
In an swashbuckling adventures for children #GriffonVultures and #VultureConservation feature in a new book by British author Judy Brulo. #VultureNewsRoundUp https://t.co/Dp2F7udlJI
If you’ve been to Japan, you’ve watched the BS News program. English speakers the world over are consistently perplexed by the name! https://t.co/l2of09yza4 #news #bsnews #japan #tv #program #fakenews #comics #expat #family #livingabroad #khalidbirdsong #trump #webcomics
Ooh here's something special. Trouble is my Business with #BrittneyPowell has been released on DVD and Blu-Ray/ I’m looking forward to seeing this movie and review it for my MaryDReviews site. Check out the press release & Images https://t.co/kNK4wEKbEt #Xena #Xenaversenews
For today's atrocious refereeing #PolandvsSenegal I give a #redcard to #FifaWorldCup2018 & allowing an in-transition off a delayed injury substution. This is not hockey. The rules state that the play must be blown dead or neutral on the field. Thr Real score 1-1. #Fifa #FakeNews
The Heroes are coming...are you ready to be one of them? #morenewssoon #staytuned #interactive #superhero #pride #appgame #powerrangers #runaways
[#EMI #Lecture] "Crédulités et rumeurs", la #BD qui veut sensibiliser les #ados aux #Fakenews (Gérard Bronner & Jean-Paul Krassinsky, La petite Bédéthèque des savoirs @LeLombard) via @lesinrocks >https://t.co/Ldxx67kokE #BandeDessinee #Medias #ProfsDocs #Rumeur #Intox
[Annecy 2018] Netflix Renews 'B: The Beginning', Talks Animated Slate https://t.co/MPLuFUb0cb
#NotFakeNews: Rob Rogers is editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. For the last 10 years his publisher, JR Block, a conservative, has had a respectful hands-off approach. Since #therealDonaldTrump was elected all has changed. https://t.co/NK0nw5i7aE #killedwork.