🔷One of my favourite NFT from Choco People collection.

💵0,03 ETH

👉The prototype for this work was the image of Andy Warhol.


8 43

🔷New and one of my favourite work from Choco People collection.

💵0,03 ETH

👉The prototype of this work was the well-known mem image with a trollface.


5 27

🔷New work for my Choco People collection
💵0,03 ETH

👉The prototype for this work was the statue of David by Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Buy and start collecting!


4 38

☕️ New day, new sneak peek 🤝

One of the first works with which the formation of the collection began and whose parts were used in the future for generation of entire collection.

Hey 👋


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There's been challenges again this year but despite it all, we hope you're day has been special. Merry Christmas from and me xxx

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-Un dibujo hecho en Paint, un recuerdo de como ilustraba antes, "viejos recuerdos".

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-Es difícil ser artista, es dicifil llegar a ser artista y es difícil hacer una obra de arte.

-Pero soy zombie y me da igual...

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-Y aun con mis dudas, me he mantenido firme, sigo soñando en ser un artista y aunque el camino esté lleno de miedo, siempre trato de dar lo mejor de mi aun cuando tropiezo.

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Remember it's tonight. Time to read your favourite story during 7pm-8pm. What will YOU be reading? ☺️♥️📚

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Join me tomorrow for free webinar on how to optimize your read alouds

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-Hecho en paint, con un tono rosa claro en medio del viento.

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At this time when there seems worry about what they may be ‘learning’, it’s even more vital to just let them play. It’s what we all do naturally, so just give it time...and join in, you’ll remember how.

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