2B from Nier Automata! An android with a heart. She has one of the coolest character designs ever. This piece was done in a more graphic design style and I hope I did her justice.
Art by me! Higher res available on my ArtStation.

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The new and improved updated version of my 6-map WAD "Escalation Titan" is now live on DoomWadStation. Make sure you click on the 'Escalation Titan Updated' link for the newest version and enjoy!


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"Her neural mods were offline but something ached, so there was a chance she was indeed alive. She pulled herself up and focused. Behind the smell of burnt rubber she heard it. A hum. She knew that hum. It was the hum that once ended her. She was back at the Station."

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Igor Sid really seems to be the artist for Age of Sigmar 2.0. Just look at the pieces he has done. So much good warhammer art to be found on Artstation. Check out Igor Sid's page: https://t.co/FruppGTied

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Chrono Cross case art, manual and disc! The classic 1999 by Square for the

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Avatar of a souless god. New oldie from december 2017 in my artstation. https://t.co/mddXa56JEA

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1910 & from the rear window of his studio on West 23rd Street, John Sloan paints vignettes of daily life from the tenement rooftops. A trainer & his boy watch their pigeons take flight high above the city noise. Behind, you can glimpse the construction of Penn Station.

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"lurcher" New 2017 oldie in my artstation. https://t.co/mddXa56JEA

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Happy May 4th!

Just thought I'd share some Star Wars illustrations I did for the ILM Art Department challenge on Artstation.

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Francesa just has to stop talking. He is embarrassing the station.

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I've never posted this anywhere besides my artstation. So here's my demon lady with a bunch of dead bodies lmao.

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Yeah...plz shoot me if I decide to make anything new "for the van". Dragon sculpture was originally just for the van and yeah...looks too good not to show in a small scene. Van started as a prop for the gas station....I'm hopeless.... lol

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Something I cooked up this morning. 🤪
Syn pleasuring a client in her bordello spacestation. [WIP]

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Emerging Blasphem. PAinted in autumn 2017 for HEX card game. new oldie in my artstation.

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Remote weather station.

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Aqui alguns dos meu trabalhos. Segue aí galera! no insta e no meu perfil no Twitter tem link pro artstation.

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My half of the art trade with ! It's his original character Danny waiting in a subway station.

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