So, player brought new character. A T-Rex Saurian Paladin. We saw a giant corpse compiled amalgamation approaching, so Camilla got an idea.

I have decided her final form may or may not be close to what Rita Repulsa looks like

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My Top 5 Favorite Amalgam Comics Characters
1. Ororo of Themyscira
2. Spider-Boy
3. Dr. Strangefate
4. Iron Lantern
5. Super-Soldier

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I love all the different versions of Shockwave but its so hard sticking to one, so tonight I just went fuck it and drew him the best I could straight from memory as an amalgam of all the different shockwaves I like.

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>Thinking a POTUS would be a servant
There's your problem. You see, the past presidents actually used a mystic code to summon Thomas Edison who kind of became an amalgamation of all of them. And also a furry. He's the President-King or Presi-king of the USA.

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I would kill for a new sonic Cartoon show that was loosely based on and amalgam of the Archie and’s not gonna happen....

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Another amalgam piece from my 16 years at the Riverside. This one is just a handful of managers from the recent to the slightly more distant past.

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明日2/16(土)に天文館本通り・ぴらモール通りで開催される『かごしまアートフェス』に出展致します!C-4【 Amalgamate 】です。イラスト集、ポスカ、雑貨等を持って行く予定です。今回購入して頂いた方に画像のポスカをプレゼントさせて頂きます。(無くなり次第終了) 当日はよろしくお願い致します。

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Here's an amalgamation of my latest stuff - great to see other cool artists on here too!

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I started listening to just a few days ago and I am loving it so far. The research involved is incredible. Plus their logo is such a cool amalgam of so many things that I love that I had to redraw it in my style. Go check them out!

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シェルロット・アマルガム Ciellott Amalgam(シエル)

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Okapi! Sort of an amalgamation of her game&stage selves 😺#けものフレンズ

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to be another character, and then this character that is just an amalgamation of all the investigation team girls. Am I going crazy? I don't really want to watch another episode but....the hell?

0 0 Here, have a very silly amalgamation of knight, luchador and a thiiiiiing

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10-13.01.2018 - Post Its from last four days. What we have here? 10 is Broodmother, a beefy summoner of lesser enemies. 11 is Mantoid Champion, a superb melee warrior with deadly combos. 12 is Cordyceps Zombie. A fungal infection that takes over Skraats. 13 is an amalgam beast.

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➡️Le FN : Son ami, la finance

L'amalgame entre FN et FI devient récurrent chez les média sans aucun travail de mise à jour des liens entre le FN et la Macronie.

Ce fil rappelle la (très) longue liste de connivences entre le FN avec le milieu de la finance.



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I wasn’t originally going to post this amalgamation which is like, 5 years late and out of style, but it came out prettier than intended so y’all have to see this sorry but I make the rules (It’s Nanami and Kokichi by the way because I made a crack theory at 3am they’re related)

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