Evidence Shows Primary Healthcare for Migrants is Cost-saving https://t.co/COWw9gjlkW Global Compact for Safe, Orderly & Regular Migration allows opportunity to improve the lives and dignity of migrants

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Trump is obsessed with the "caravan" of refugees from Central America heading toward the U.S./Mexico border, calling the migrants "criminals and unknown Middle Easterners" among other things. https://t.co/UAD3OPq2gX

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My cartoon deals w caravan of immigrants, that group that's been the target of incredible lies from being killers/rapists to radical Islamic activists and financed by Geo. Soros; NONE TRUE! Just folks seeking asylum.

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Hi, it's Tyrus Wong's birthday today!! This artist was a Chinese immigrant who worked as the lead production illustrator for Bambi, and was also a ceramicist and kite builder. Please take a moment today to learn about this incredible man and his many artistic contributions!

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Cartón de Rictus, El Financiero

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Los mexicanos que tuvieron expresiones xenófobas contra los migrantes hondureños sacaron a relucir el pequeño que llevan dentro. No es patriotismo es racismo.

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They don't care that kids are dying every week in school shootings.
They don't care that migrant kids are in concentration camps, separated from their families and adopted out to new ones.
They don't care that trans kids are human kids.

Vote Democrats, and >pic related.

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'The little mother' es un cartón inspirado en la tragicomedia americana, su guerra fría, la explotación de países, la corrupción y la doble moral estadounidense... sólo no le entenderá porque todavía no sale en Netflix...

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Asesinaron gobiernos, invadieron países, introdujeron el narcotráfico, vendieron armas, endeudaron estados, convirtieron naciones bananeras extrayendo sus recursos y hoy que muertos de hambre buscan un lugar mejor, se asustan de ello... que poca madre!

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Tomorrow is a very special day because you’ll be able to cheer on our intrepid crew as we brave paper cuts and exhaustion to fold ONE THOUSAND PAPER CRANES to donate 10k to low income immigrants and refugees!

(You’ll also be able to buy one at https://t.co/YwrVBG3cJg.)

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Help send free art to 20,000 teachers! They’ll send 10 posters for every $1 donation - art that celebrates climate justice, immigrant rights, gun reform and more. Donate: https://t.co/8LNEgmAclG

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