It's not really an icon but I the character looked super fun to draw so why not! Using FireAlpaca to draw is way more fun than Procreate 😂

7 113

So... commissioned me stuff and well Deimos in a hoe n Rasta ain't so here we are

0 4

I got some time to do !
GL To other who participated the contest! Cuz I know I'm not the very best :')

1 8

I tried @/rastapastatf2 's eye style....
Commission for

1 20

Lì si levò un albero. Oh puro sovrastare!
Orfeo canta! Grandezza dell’albero in ascolto!
E tutto tacque. Ma proprio in quel tacere
avvenne un nuovo inizio, cenno e mutamento.


Ninfee, Monet

43 65

Tanto bello quanto spietato con i propri personaggi. Criminal è una montagna russa di emozioni e sentimenti contrastanti, di plot twist imprevedibili e donne letali.

1 3

PrinceGekomon, PrincessGekomon, UltraStarmon

3 40

"The confusion at work? Problems with parents? Rastalsya with the other half? Do not worry, you're not alone!"
At the end of 2016, I came up with this doll for a job in college, but in the end it was the beginning for the development of the universe with aliens and robot dolls!

0 2

Commision for one of my players: Sorasta , Dragonborn Battle Master

11 28

WIP of my two boys, Axe and Rasta <3 They're a couple. Axe is the beefcake, Rasta is the smol

0 1

Finally a chance to draw Rastan in all his splendor!

1 7

pos hola (?
hice este dibujo deforme por que si y si lose quedo feo
y si se preguntas no son rastas son trenzas africanas solo que me da pereza hacerlas y POS YA SABEN QUE TENGO PUESTO EL DÍA DE HOY :D

3 7