Commission of a called shepard. Hope they like it! <3 Skin is the official one from 's adult giga c:

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some wolf characters turned dinosaur - daspletosaurus, yutyrannus, brachylophosaurus, suchomimus, and hypsilophodon!!

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I hope you're all looking forward to this festive time of year, and to celebrate, I thought I'd get into the festive feeling with a new piece of artwork!
Edmontosaurus in the Snow!!!

Now also available on Redbubble!

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Sarmientosaurus musacchioi //

It had a small brain, but its massive eye sockets indicated a sharp vision, a unique discovery among the sauropods. Due to their gigantic size, sauropods are rarely preserved and found as a complete animal.

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A Tenontosaurus eating a Deinonychus chick - possibly because there is no other food around, and possibly to gain nutrients the Tenontosaurus cannot gain from eating plants alone.

Original post:

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Day 29 Late cretaceous theropod from Argentina. One of the largest terrestrial carnivores to have ever lived, it's size was equal to, if not larger than the T-Rex.

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Different dinosaur colourways for The Brighton Brightosaurus.

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Finally finished the Giganotosaurus, my first sculpt in Zbrush

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99! just one more to get 100 followers! Im having a lot of fun doing this givaways so mybe this one will be a little more special ! Remember you can ask a portrait of anything you want! an inanimated object you love, the brontosaurus you hide under your bed or even myself!

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Highlights from the (regal) Edmontosaurus, Masiakasaurus, Sclerothorax and Siphonophrentis.

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Highlights from the Megalograptus (pierced), termites and alvarezsaurs (innards), Bracycrus (long) and Daspletosaurus (damaged).

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Two more for and I'm caught up! Chubby Edmontosaurus and nightmare fuel Daspletosaurus!

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Day 9 This Hadrosaurid (duck billed dino) was a cretaceous herbivore which walked on both 2 and 4 legs. The first fossil was found in Alberta (so named after its capital Edmonton).

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My Patreon supporters just got sent a bunch of process pictures and character designs for my new comic series. If you want to see what else I'm working on and get first access to Blastosaurus stuff, back me on Patreon for as little as $1 a month.

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