Hey my name is Shayn Green. I can do cartoon style illustrations with various color palettes and I have worked on children's books before.
Rate: $50 per page
Portfolio: https://t.co/qRotdLMSi7
Contact email: artbyshayn.com

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More hyper Titans stuff! This time it's Starfire and her monster-sized alien milkers.

Who knows, maybe Tamaranean milk IS actually green. Maybe it even tastes like shamrock shakes!

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<No. 078 붉은가슴흰죽지>

내가 큰 멸종위기에 처해있다고 걱정해주는 사람이 많아.
우리 모두를 위해서 자연을 생각하는 마음을 가져보면 어떨까?
자연을 만나다. MEET GREEN.

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<No. 078 Baer's Pochard>

Lots of people worry that I am facing a huge risk of extinction recently.
How about thinking about the natural environment for all of us?


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The sickest character is always green. Tell me I'm wrong 😤

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Red fur started to grow on her body while her hair spiked up and turned into a darker brown along with her eyes turning green. She continued to hold the beam struggle as well as she smirked still, having fun.

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오늘은 아이들과 새 이야기를 나누고
새 캐릭터를 그려보는 시간을 가졌어요.🐦
친구들이 특징을 콕콕 짚어낸
검은머리물떼새와 넓적부리도요 캐릭터 함께 보실래요? 🥰


자연을 만나다. MEET GREEN.

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katara in green... a work of art

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My Powerpuff Girl, Buttercup. The girl who wore green.

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i was assigned GREEN....

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<🎈MEET GREEN 게릴라마켓 오픈🎈>

구매요청해주시는 분들이 많으셔서 서둘러 돌아왔어요!
어서 구경오세요🏃🏃 (↓↓아래 링크↓↓)⁣

☝ 09월15일(화)부터 ~ 09월20일(일)까지 오픈



자연을 만나다. MEET GREEN.

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i cant stop thinking about this green.... 🍈🐊🎍🦎🐉

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Drawings I've done in a recent drawpile. Most of my drawings are in the olive green.

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Re design
-Devil's armor-G.T
Modeling is finished.

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It's always Green. Never forget that anyone who picks Green as their color is ALWAYS the impostor.

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Hiya! I love drawing horror and would love to draw something for you! 😊

If you're interested you can DM me or email me at psypsygreen.com!

You can find all of my info here ~ https://t.co/c5CGW3MyJt

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Sometimes the best creative results happen w/out a plan. SCBWI Japan members, reserve for Instinctive Illustration: Unearthing Images Through Play and Intuition w/ Author/Illustrator Rebecca Green. 9/27 1-2:30; remote via Zoom. https://t.co/jLrQR4J1O3

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