Red-crested pochard, Netta rufina in my sketchbook ( lake Garda)

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Changed her name from Pochardstripe to Thistlepelt

She and Mallowtail are sisters

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Second Batch! Pochardstream is the sister of Gorsestorm, and Ravenstream is the sister of Rookfang.

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Day 10 - Madagascar Pochard !

• It's one of the rarest birds in the world, victim of invasive species and destruction of its habitat, they totally disappeared from Alaotra Lake. A conservation program in the country is trying to restore a stable population.

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アメリカホシハジロ×ホシハジロ(飼育)以前写真で撮ったのは載せたことがあるけど、スキャンしたのは初めて。井の頭自然文化園。この頃はカモが多かったなあ。Redhead×Common pochard

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Baer's Pochard
Around the World in 80 Days - Day 26
Another bird that migrates from Russia down to our route around the world, passing Thailand now. Fewer than 700 may be left.

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<No. 078 붉은가슴흰죽지>

내가 큰 멸종위기에 처해있다고 걱정해주는 사람이 많아.
우리 모두를 위해서 자연을 생각하는 마음을 가져보면 어떨까?
자연을 만나다. MEET GREEN.

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<No. 078 Baer's Pochard>

Lots of people worry that I am facing a huge risk of extinction recently.
How about thinking about the natural environment for all of us?


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Red-crested pochard sketch

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pochard christ for because uhhhhhhhh yeah

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The Madagascan Pochard is a diving duck endemic to Madagascar. Declared extinct in the 90’s, 22 birds were rediscovered in 2006. They were all taken into captivity, where breeding programs grew the population to 90 birds in 2017. In 2018, 21 birds were released into the wild.

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A few duck pics 🦆🦆🦆 . Pintail, Pochard & Wigeon snapped at & a couple of Tufties at Crosby boating lake.

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<No. 036 Common Pochard>


<No. 036 흰죽지>

흰죽지가 갑자기 사라져도 놀라지 마세요!
잠수를 잘 하는 잠수성 오리거든요 ;)


자연을 만나다. MEET GREEN.

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Working on some diving duck cards! Common Pochard and Goldeneye!

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Some great sights at nr , early this morning, including this curious leucistic male pochard from the 2nd screen, alongside a male gadwall.

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I've been meeting this tomato-headed duck everyday on my morning strolls to Gorewada Lake. Feels special that the species migrates all the way from Central Asia to my backyard lake in Nagpur :)

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