I in the light

Far from the darkness you choose

For in the light

I found myself

2 30


Some lead, others follow, many —In life, I there are no guarantees or tricks to assume like chasing dragonfly’s with wings and colors of plume.✍🏽#BraveWrite

2 6

ナーヴィンタース苦戦しちゃったけれどクリアできた…! 個人的にはOT担当したヨルナーを鉄2で飛ばしてくださって感謝、ナイスDPS!!

4 37

The dancing rays stopped at her feet for a moment, as if they meant to gather before drifting back up. My eyes followed to her smiling, opaline face, stray strands from an inept ponytail stuck to the tip of her nose—still damp from the rain.

8 58

"I've never seen such lively nubs. How've they not begun to sag?" exclaimed the man, shaking w/ elation. "Please let me hold them. I promise they won't retreat into their skin." I turn to see the world's thinnest touchscreen.

4 34

“What are you doing, Haskins?”

“Just having a look.”

“Well done, in our line of work it pays to be

“In Quisitive? Where’s that?”

“No idea, but I hear it’s popular with Spaniards”

“That’s a surprise, sir.”

“Nobody expects the Spanish in Quisitive.”

38 242

‘You have usurped your position and expect me to obey you without question.’
‘I am no my dear I have simply taken what is mine to have.’
‘It is not yours by right of succession and there will always be someone ready to kill you as I am about to do.’

0 6

She's a vision of forgotten beauty
Curves of slow disintegration
Smiles of lost contemplation
Washing, wasting away
With the sands of time

14 46

my truth in a fog of desire. Awaken your soul in a symphony of agonistic ecstacy. Death, life, pain, and pleasure, all melt together and pour into you. Open your eyes through the crimson veil of blood. With a drop upon your lips, I Grant you life again.#vss365

1 9

"An easily tamed child
is an obtrusive, uncreative
becoming of an adult
In a facility so dark,
so empty,
so removed from this world,
anyone & anything can be conditioned to cooperate with whatever, whenever" https://t.co/60lNVekuXf

2 7

A special time to be alive!

It was the year of the mystical, magical, pivotal year. A transformative year of realities & falling in love. ‘Tis the of love, deep as the sea & soul—and a time to cultivate the unforetold. ✍🏽#vss365

2 9

Mythically Speaking

The god’s adore my wit, they let me have my way. I toil, I I mesmerize---And oftentimes I play.
I in my own skin---until Zeus reigns me in. And when others create verses in gardens gate.#Bravewrite ✍🏾

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Some are built to last, divinely guided like a soul mate or twin flame with a whisper of the spirit & the calling of the name while Angels roar for the at worthy of merit—for that which they inherit.✍️🏽#vss365

3 14

"Who dares entice our princess with their best sashay?" Ringleader calls, shaking her brows. "Make her smile before first light and she may make your wildest dreams come true." Nightmares are dreams, too, dear puppets.

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