All right - so initial clumps are in for the new hairdo. Tomorrow I'll detail it with all the fibrous goodness of the initial sculpt but it will have more defined chunkage.

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There’s not really a good living model to my knowledge as it a lot of muscle attachment in front of its battery teeth and a teeth+beak combo
I suspect more flesh than PNSO model to protect face as it chowed down on the fibrous vegetation available at low levels

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Anterolateral impingement is an uncommon complication of ATFL tears and secondary microinstability. Repetitive motion during the healing phase can induce the development of synovitis and focal fibrous tissue, which can be painful and produce changes in the normal biomechanics

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Just learned bees only die when stinging mammals because our skin is more fibrous than the insects they are suppose to defend the hive from. So they aren't really suppose to die we just got tough skin.

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Douglas White, Puncture
In a fever dream of material alliance, burnt basketball met with the fibrous stump of a fern. Sounds by Diagonal

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Far to Tamriel's west, the blighted atolls and fibrous seas of what used to be the southern Yqd are home to crabs whose limbs are out of scale with their bodies, and whose crusty upper shells are covered in all manner of strange, symbiotic creatures.

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i feel like pitek is cutting down the quality, i need to move onto another paper. seriously, that fibrous effect thingy wasn’t even my first time ever since i tried this paper.

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Here's another member of the High Coven: Hairiette the Salon Witch!
She's able to manipulate any sort of fibrous material she wants with her magical scissors and brush, and uses it to keep her hair looking pristine. No one is allowed to touch her hair.

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ANGIOMATOID FIBROUS HISTIOCYTOMA. IHC: desmin. NGS: EWSR1-CREB1. NB: cystic haemorrhagic cavity with incomplete peripheral lymphocytic cuff; fascicles of spindle-epithelioid cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm; monomorphic ovoid nuclei; and, haemosiderin deposits.

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Iliotibial band is a fibrous thickening which is formed proximally by joining the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus tendons.
Its proximal end strain injury is uncommon.

6 32

Just finished these waxcaps for a board 4 SSSI in meadows in

Clockwise from L Crimson, Ballerina, Golden, Blackening, Scarlet, Cedar snowy, Fibrous, Cedar snowy again, Parrot, and Golden spindles.

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Reticulata—the netted iris. Not the flower, but the bulb wears a little fibrous coat like a miniature fishing net.

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Some lead, others follow, many —In life, I there are no guarantees or tricks to assume like chasing dragonfly’s with wings and colors of plume.✍🏽#BraveWrite

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The name ‘linitis plastica’ was first used to describe a thickened, rigid stomach in 1854 by English physician William Brinton. Linitis (inflamed fibrous tissue) and plastica (inelastic). Also called ‘leather bottle’ stomach, we now know this is from diffuse gastric cancer.

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-Luminous Avenger iX Character Bio-

"The Craftsman's Dream" Rebellio

An Adept in possession of the "Energy Wool" Septima. His body is enveloped in a fibrous energy which he manipulates to create various objects. Crafts scythes and guillotines in battle.

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each cough is a fibrous vase being shattered in my thröaghté

hopefully i'll be back soon with art but mmmMm it's been 5 days and this death continues to persiste 🥺🥵😷

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