This might be my favorite combination of light particles my eyeballs have ever absorbed (Action Comics 1000)

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A pair of commissions for a pair of custom mechs, the Beholder, a heavy, quadruped EWAR platform armed with particle guns, and Zagan, a bestial, obscenely advanced design that defies one's usual expectations of a battletech mech.

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.

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1946: Solar energetic particles detected at

Scott Forbush, a physicist at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C., is monitoring the rate of incoming energetic particles when he detects a spike not long after a solar flare occurs on the

50 132

Added even more to the Mezz avatar! Full mouth visemes, a laughing face & particle system that plays automatically when I laugh for real, a custom mute animation, and the ability to scale all props up or down, just in case it'd ever be funny for something!

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.

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12. something (almost) all of my more polished art has this dusty/particle shit because for me, it adds atmosphere and feels like a 'pause' in the moment

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Painted Eliana and some particle magic for the prompt "Witch"~

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*As unexpectedly as the rain falls, the paint particles form uneven surfaces on the canvas, I am a mere spectator of that magic*

Marta Jiménez Suárez

Negro y Azul [11]

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*As unexpectedly as the rain falls, the paint particles form uneven surfaces on the canvas, I am a mere spectator of that magic*

Marta Jiménez Suárez

Negro y Rojo [8]

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X-Particles 4 cloth sim experiments 🏁

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Also. Scientists: don't put your workstation up against the business end of a particle accelerator. Just don't.

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TALKING JOE 95 - Feel the Thunder, Mando Madness & Mindbender goes Snap, Crackle and Pop!

It's the negative zone particle charged 95th episode and Chief & Mark are smashing into issues 239-241!

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.

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day11- Hair pulling-Trix and Buster special arrangement to recharge their KINK particles-

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Final upgrades to wind effects!
✔️ Dynamic strength
✔️ Affects smoke and flames
✔️ Different particles based on speed
✔️ Affects building animations (WindMill)
✔️ Affects Pip idling (not shown here)
✔️ Sub-pixel shader on trees and crops

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3 textures : one for the rendering of sprites (plain albedo+alpha) as one big spritesheet, one for the terrain color + height in the alpha, one for the vegetation/stones masks. The last two are used to generate the positions of the GPU particles.

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488 - Cresselia
Type: Psychic

Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon.

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.

Recreate your life as a new work of art. Learn how!

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Under the sea: at about 65 ft below, the sun was making every particle of white sand glow like a tiny pearl.

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