Thank you! I'm a college student studying paleontology and I love to draw animals, dinos and creatures! :3 I'm also working on a graphic novel! :D

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. Assistant Professor is an evolutionary biologist and paleontologist investigating how the specialized dinosaur lung may have helped the ancient creatures take over the planet and thrive for millions of years in a low-oxygen environment.

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Camarasaurus lentus, one of the most common and well-known sauropod dinosaurs. Probably not much to say that you don't already know.

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Most members of its family hail from Asia, but paleontologists found Domeykodactylus in Chile.

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March 12, 1784, birthday of Victorian theologian & geologist William Buckland, he described the 1st as Megalosaurus in 1824 based on a fragmentary preserved jaw.
Artwork by Paleontologists & their Prehistoric Pets and the original fossil 🦖

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On to Teraterpeton itself. The elongated skull is the most eye-catching feature, esp compared to its relatives. Interestingly, the big hole in the snout was likely an external narial fenestra. Thus, the nostrils were much farther back than in others.

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March 9, 1847, Mary Anning dies at the age of 47. Her discoveries were some of the most significant paleontological finds of all time.

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My most detailed entry into the Proboscidea series was the American mastodon. I painted as much of the fur as possible.

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Palaeoloxodon falconeri is a great example of the crazy size disparity that can occur within the same genus. I didn't know this extreme was possible for mammals

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Aaand the biggest proboscidean ever, the massive Palaeoloxodon namadicus. This one I can really hear the elephant-like rumble every time I look at it.

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We don’t know much of small creatures who lived with but with the help of paleontologists I came up with two kinds based on known cretaceous fossils who likely were there, along with to include.

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Day 4 of the Tweet Storm. Five years ago a paleontologist peered over my shoulder as I worked on this illustration and told me I would do well to consider a career move into Scientific Illustration. So much gratitude for that advice.

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