Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)
Portrait de Vallier

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Brigantine at Sunset by Charles Henry Gifford (1839-1904)

28 94

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年, 1839-1892)

The Greedy Old Woman Leaving the Three Sparrows, from the series Sketches by Yoshitoshi

circa 1886

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Paul Cezanne (1839-1906) France, "Bridge over the Marne", 1888

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大き過ぎず小さ過ぎず、手頃な大きさが好評の鉢。「中村敏康 切り子展」〜9/1(日)/会期中無休/10時〜18時/札幌市白石区本郷通11北1-1/011-839-2277

0 0

北海道を意識してなのか鶴の切り子も出品されています。寿ぎのぐい呑み。「中村敏康 切り子展」〜9月1日(日)/会期中無休/10時〜18時/札幌市白石区本郷通11丁目北1番1号/011-839-2277

0 1


こちらは、幕末・明治を代表する浮世絵師 月岡芳年(1839-1892)による「平清盛」の図。平氏の棟梁、平清盛が病に伏し高熱を発して悶絶する様子を地獄の鬼や閻魔大王らを背景に描いたもの。壮絶な一枚です。

0 1

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年, 1839-1892)

Kintarō Seizes the Carp

19th century

6 8

Shoki Creeping Up on a Sleeping Demon, by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892)

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Mermaids (1879) by Konstantin Makovsky (1839-1915).

28 81

Charles Hermans (1839-1924), Ils Sont Partis!, oil on canvas

4 14

Mermaids (1879) by Konstantin Makovsky (Russia, 1839-1915). According to some folktales, girls who died before marriage - and - unbaptised babies, sometimes became mermaids.

39 86

Posons notre regard sur les « Aventures merveilleuses de Huon de Bordeaux », chanson de geste du cycle de Charlemagne. Pair de France, il rencontre Esclarmonde de Babylone & le petit roi de féerie Auberon. Gaston Paris (1839-1903) s'occupera de la traduction.

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Still Life with Blue Pot by Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)

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Poor Casey. Her work in the maid Café is hard, but when she wants to help quest to come in, its getting harder.

This picture was made by 30152839-J-KLH-WS and was his part of an Art Trade.

I just add the background.


3 5

Happy Eastern Forest Bat & Little Broad-Nosed Bat (1839-43) from "The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Erebus & Terror" under the command of Captain Sir James Clark Ross. via

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Лошадь Пржевальского. 12 апреля исполняется 180 лет со дня рождения Николая Михайловича Пржевальского (1839-1888), знаменитого русского путешественника и натуралиста.

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This is my part of an Art Trade with 30152839-J-KLH-WS

Sammy belongs to him. It's his OC. She is now not a normal squashed and cube. More mallable^^ Can used as pillow maybe?^^

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