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น้อนๆทั้งหลาย ดูของคนอื่นแล้วของผมกากด๋อยไปเลยแงง แต่ผมตั้งใจวาดมากๆเลยนะค้าบคุนพี่ทั้งสอง หวังว่าจะชอบกันนะคะ💗

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Happy Children's Day 🍦🧃 || 09.01.2021

ปล.สุขสันวันเด็กปี2021ก้าบบบ พาน้อนแม๊กกี้มาแจกความฉดไฉ~ น่ารักที่สุดเลยยยย ต้าวแสบกับคุณหมีพูห์☀️🧸❤️

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It's a bit late I know xD.
But, learning developmental psychology as well as working as a kindergarten teacher really taught me how important a childhood is.

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Today is And this is how and reimagined a better world for each child 💙

Do you also love drawing and want to change the world? 👉 https://t.co/d90p6mY90L

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It’s Maria Parr has written the wonderful book Waffle Heart about two nine-year-olds through a tumultuous year from frolicking and laughter to more sombre aspects of life trsl by


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Roedd merched a menywod ifanc yn glanhau'r dalennau tun o saim trwy eu rhwbio mewn blawd llif, a'u sgleinio â chroen dafad. Roedd y tâl yn seiliedig ar nifer y dalennau a broseswyd. Gadawodd menywod ifanc y diwydiant yn bennaf ar ôl priodi.

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Girls and young women cleaned the tinned sheets of grease by rubbing them in troughs of sawdust, and polished them with sheepskins. Pay was based on the number of sheets processed. Young women mostly left the industry when they married.

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Work at iron furnaces was too heavy for children but a few boys were employed as “puller ups”, opening and closing furnace doors. They were often sons of furnacemen, taking their first steps to following their fathers into skilled jobs.

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Roedd gwaith mewn ffwrneisi haearn yn rhy drwm i blant ond roedd ychydig o fechgyn yn cael eu cyflogi fel “puller ups” i agor a chau drysau ffwrnais. Yn aml, meibion i weithwyr ​​ffwrnais oeddynt yn dilyn eu tadau i swyddi yn y diwydiant.

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A sneak peak of one of the illustrations for my new book “Golden Flowers for Little Dragon” to support siblings of children with life limiting illnesses, out next year. Each illustration is so beautiful 😍

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Aujourd'hui c'est le ! Date importante pour le bien être des enfants.

Mais les enfants de sont vraiment pas comme les autres !! Un manga glaçant, d'une brutalité inouïe, à ne lire qui si vous avez la tête sur les épaules !

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