Today is the Children's Day in Taiwan~
May all kids in the world enjoy a wonderful childhood 💜

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มาช้าแต่มานะ สุขสันต์วันเด็กย้อนหลังนะจ๊ะ!!!!!!!!

Game : Genshin Impact

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art by @/IKsanqz

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Hi guys, long time no see ya! Finally there's art that I can post after a while 😆
This illustration I made from a book named Heidi

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Continuing our recognition of Nurse Practitioner’s & the amazing organizations that support them like the , we have another 1/1 Betty to giveaway!

In honor of LIKE/RT to win this special Yellow Nurse Betty 1/1!

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We celebrate by creating engaging and educational multimedia games and entertainment for kids in both classrooms and at-home learning! Visit some of our colorful characters on our portfolio here:

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世界こどもの日 World Children's Day のもりもり食べる子どもたち

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今日は世界こどもの日 World Children's Day です

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"A story about growing up with a dream and the things we can achieve when we work together. Suzy Davies effortlessly brings the story full circle to one of the most satisfying endings I’ve ever read." 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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