CERINTHE. (Cerinthe major Purpurescens). "An annual remarkable for the fingular colour of its foliage. It's flowers though not very brilliant poffefs a confiderable fhare of beauty. Both combined render it a plant worthy a place in our gardens. Curtis's Botanical Mag. Vol. 10

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Victoria amazonica flower bud, Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Volume 34, Issue 3, September 2017

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David Curtis's oil, 'Evening over Loch Maree', 7"x10" off to a loving new home in Yorkshire. More of DC's work here: https://t.co/PHlDJxcixw

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Some more icons I've been drawing !! I've drawn the two first ones about 1 week ago but Curtis' is fresh out of the oven 🙏

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The 1st 100 years of stunning illustrations from Curtis's Botanical Magazine are now on (via )

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Australia's stunning Sturt's Desert Pea (from Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1858 via ) https://t.co/yUG739K6C5

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Thunbergia coccinea in Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 1859 https://t.co/ePK8drIs1F

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Curtis' Big Pick this week: by podcast favorite & . PREPARE YOUR EAR HOLES

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A fine 'Iris persica' from Magazine. v1. 1790. (via Botanicus)

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Night-blooming by Walter Hood Fitch. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Vol. 80 (1854). https://t.co/6mwOm6cuP3

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THE VIKINGS (1958) shows as much of Tony Curtis' legs as possible

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Sword by W.H. Fitch. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, V.80 (1854). In https://t.co/FxhJQPrb8c

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Giant Sequoia. W.H. Fitch. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, V80 (1854). In https://t.co/XwlONtO9sg

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William Curtis' _Flora Londinensis_, 1775-1798, catalogs flowers to be found around London https://t.co/wXpWprxNds

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Crocus vernus from Mr Curtis's Botanical Cabinet.

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