FREE MAP ASSETS! I thought it would be fun to share some of the assets.
- two oozes
- two piles of bones
- four different trees

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Anthro D&D Monsters O: Owlbear
With a pic-a-nic basket because I can't resist a stupid joke.

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Anthro D&D Monsters P: Peryton
Once again, definitely not the colors you would expect.

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Anthro D&D Monsters Q: Quatsch
From Dragon
One of my favorite things about classic D&D is seeing the serious looking illustration, then reading that it's colored something ridiculous like bright yellow.

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Anthro D&D Monsters S: Squealer... when I held her hand
Squealer, I made her understand
Squealer, when I kissed her lips
Squealer, sucked her finger tips...

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Anthro D&D monster starting with the letter T: Tri-flower frond.
I didn't really like the thought eater I did last time, so obscure plant monster.

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And back to V in the anthro D&D monsters with vulchling. Which I guess is better than volt, but still not great options for V.

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Going back through the anthro D&D monsters. Back up to W, as in wolf-in-sheep's-clothing.

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Final anthro D&D monster: Zorbo, one of only two first edition monsters that start with Z and aren't zombies.

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Be advised students Stirge season is here remember to use repellant or a very large swatter when on missions.

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Dropbear. The legendary owlbear of southern lands. Woe to those who don’t keep an eye on the treetops and have a massive ball of feathers, fur and claws fall on them from 100 feet.

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I made a Dungeons and Dragons print! It is available on my redbubble both as the print and the monsters are up as individuals!

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