Have some lockdown themed nudes. I am in lockdown/quarantine so posting something is a nice distraction. Glad I saved up drawing sessions to post!

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Life drawing backlog. A wonderful model who really could hold a pose! I enjoyed the quick drawings but some on the longer ones turned out better.

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Another digital painting attempt. I think the nose went better than usual but man do I need more practice on eyes... etc

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Dropbear. The legendary owlbear of southern lands. Woe to those who don’t keep an eye on the treetops and have a massive ball of feathers, fur and claws fall on them from 100 feet.

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For your friendly neighborhood DND game. The ‘Rawk’. Inspired by the local Australian wildlife. They are noisy buggers and leave destruction in their wake! Keep in mind only very large objects have damage thresholds!

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