this is super late but happy birthday to my best boy claude von riegan 🥳 (also claudeleth with male byleth bcs he deserves love too!!!)

3 14

Can’t believe it’s already been a year since came out. Colored in My old I did last year, also coloring in the Lords as well. 😊

5 8

Happy one year anniversary to Fire Emblem 3 Houses?? (AND happy birthday to very cool person ) hehehe cat boy Dimitri

0 5

Lin wants to sleep. Caspar is just happy to be included tbh

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!!Spoilers for Azure Moon Route!!

Some designs and variants for the Hegemon Edelgard by commission

10 44

Old(ish) Dimitri doodle. Is my Blue Lion bias showing? 😬

5 8

Everyone say happy birthday to Claude Fire Emblem!! ✨💛#FireEmblemThreeHouses

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