o bixo é um headcrab do half-life só que 2.0

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headcrab, but make it a cutesy mascot

1 11

i didnt know half life headcrabs were canonically like bees/ants and had a "queen" which, like queen bugs irl, are built mostly to give birth forever

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Another one is 's 'Posion HeadCrab', where the enemy's inerest comes from how it reacts with other enemy types, and not on it's own. The way it becomes a priority target as more enemy types are present is a mechanic/design I'd love to steal.

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Half-Life Advisors and headcrabs are way cuter, they basically beans

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It's actually the Fast Headcrab to be more specific, which were engineered by the Combine. This is the more iconic Standard Headcrab.

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girl that's a headcrab from half-life

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I've been itching to draw some Half-Life for awhile now!

34 153

Idk when I'll ever revisit this but a while back I had some headcanon ideas for the biology of headcrabs from Half Life. Added in some new notes on parasitism/slight reproduction stuff.

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Очень жаль, что эту игру я пока что могу пройти только на ютубе(((

13 95

Poison Headcrab! What's that noise...?

68 457