⭐️ Lokius charm ⭐️
Ahhhh here is the finished design for my Lokius charm 💕💕🥺
I have ordered a sample and it should arrive next week 💕💕

20 164

ALWAYS II, part 23 ❤️🥰❤️

24 380

Here is the first of this months kofi sketches 💕 a very soft lokius moment for 💕💕

9 133

ALWAYS II, part 22 💚😳💚
Just wait for it! 🥹
(There’s another page below!)

18 296

✨ lovers across space and time ✨
No matter the distance they will always find each other 💕

35 207

⭐️ Turn the heat up ⭐️
Loki making sure his husband doesn’t overheat during the heatwave 👀 🔥

32 250

Mobius is the best mcu character breathe if you agree 💗

5 17

New crumbs means I'm back on my Lokius shit

46 305

✨ Kiss kiss ✨
Sometimes you just need to kiss your boyfriend on the job💕

51 362

ALWAYS II, part 21 💚🥰
Listen one of my fav things ever are Loki in eyeliner and Mobius calling him my prince. I’m a simple girl. 🤷‍♀️

(There’s another panel below!)

15 237

✨ sparks are flying at the tva ✨
Manifesting Loki and Mobius right up in each other’s personal space in season 2 👀

48 320

Mob-ooty, mo-problems 🍑
Kindaaaa wanna make this into stickers or smth👀

25 109

...meh he'll be fine he's literally a God so...🙂☕

24 145

New Loki s2 set photos making me manifest lokius even harder 😭🙏💕

54 373

ALWAYS II, part 20 💚❤️ where each of us is Thor :3

24 348