Risen found a good apprentice in Cami to pass on all her knowledge and advanced thief techniques, being a chameleon with years of experience...

56 348

"Cammy sorry for eating Power Talon"
"Here payment. It grows back"

229 1811

Our art gallery has been updated with 27 new artworks for characters, armor, and creatures!


1 24

Utsushi chibi for arashifangs2

5 13

A drawing gift for my dragon friend !!! 🐲🎂

Just wanted to draw him as a Mizutsune~ 👉👈

29 111

Been wanting to draw more Monster Hunter creatures but most of them have such complicated designs that I always get intimidated by them and just end up doing only a bust instead lol. One day I’ll do a full body one tho.

4 8