In spite of their declining fortunes, the later Mughals continued to have equestrian portraits of themselves made, in the manner of their great ancestors. Here Shah Alam II rides a beautiful grey stallion. Collection of

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Akbar had books read out to him.

Here is such an instance from a Mughal Painting.

Credits :

Source :

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'Rustam kills a Demon' (a unique way to kill Demons & get all the coins out of his pocket too!).
c1575 attributed to artist and now at USA.

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The episode where 'One of Lord Servant overhears a Washerman quarreling with his Wife', leading to trial of
A folio from 1598 (#Ramayan).
By artist Daud, brother of an important master artist in Emperor atelier.

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Five southern constellations: Hydra, Corvus, Centaurus with Lepus (appears here as a yellow long-tailed cat), and Lupus (shown here as a pink tiger); from a copy of Marvels of Things Created by al-Qazwīnī, produced in Mughal India, 17thC

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Since today is ’s C for chameleon, here’s my favourite li’l curio, captured one all his tentative, google eyed glory by the Mughal master Ustad Mansur, 1612. Cute prehensile tail and a devilish side-eye at the butterfly behind. Royal Collection RCIN 912081.

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A Nath Yogi with Two White Dogs, folio from the Salim Album
Mughal, c. 1600

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'A chameleon' [1612] by Ustãd Mãnsur - the leading animal painter at the court of the Mughal Emperor Jahāngīr. Such grace!

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Thread on Mughal dishes with a Central Asian/Khorasani origin:

Let´s start with Samosas, one of the most famous Indian/Pakistani snacks, originated in Central Asia. The name "Samosa" comes from the Sogdian word "Sambosak".

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One of Maria Cosway’s most unusual works, a depiction of a woman praying to the sun, painted in 1784 and now in , was probably inspired by a Mughal miniature of a sun worshipper, which was itself derived from a European prototype. Read in full:

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The Ninth Guru was asked to perform miracles to prove his divinity. Refusing to do so he was beheaded. A dazzling divine light was beaming upon the Guru’s Face. Then named, ‘Hind Di Chadar’ suggesting that he gave up his life to protect the freedom of non Muslims in Mughal India.

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& here I am with the largest available candlelight. Hope goes away now!

This c1600 painting of 'A Courtier holding a Candlestick', now in is from S C Welch collection.

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The Virgin Mary and Child Jesus by an unknown artist, Lucknow, Mughal India, c. 1760.

Based on a print by by Egidius Sadeler II.

Based on a painting by Hans von Aachen.

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Can't a man rest if he is a suspect? What is happening below my window?
Sold by (JK-137), 18th century of 'A Lady Dancing beneath Balcony'.
A beautiful painting suggesting romance beneath Night-sky. Exceptionally detailed.

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Mehrunissa Also Known as Nur Jahan Was Wife of Mughal Emperor Jahangir. Born In 1577 In Persian Family, Nur Jahan Was The Most Powerful Woman In Jahangir's Court

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Abdur Rahman Chughtai (1894 – 1975) was a painter artist and intellectual from Pakistan, who created his own unique, distinctive painting style influenced by Mughal art, miniature painting, Art Nouveau and Islamic art traditions.

"Guarded Beauty", Mohammed Abdur Rahman Chughtai

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そのアイデア源となった伝説級の作品『偉大なるムガル帝国』(Mughal-E-Azam/ Urudu/ 1960年)。ただいま、Mubiで期間限定配信中です(英語字幕)。

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Mughal art •• Zebra • Nilgai Blue Cow • A Chameleon, paintings by Ustad Mansur

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A portrait of a Rajput nobleman,
attributed to the Mughal master Manohar
Gouache and gold on paper
Mughal, circa 1610-20

"Manohar was the son of Basawan, one of the most celebrated artists at Akbar's Mughal court."

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“Pelsaert who visited during Jahangir’s reign has mentioned about the scarcity of fruit trees in India and he writes that all the fruit was imported from or
Botanical Culture of India, (1526-1707) Versha Gupta.

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