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“Patience means sitting with the work even when - especially when - nothing appears to be happening.”
— Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
O those losses to the Universe,
the falling stars!
We don't increase it
to the Star we add
The whole has already all be counted
Who falls doesn't decrease
the sacred number
Each falls into the origin and heals
Rilke-Elegy Marina
Ma tutto quello che ci tocca, te
e me, insieme ci prende come un arco
che da due corde un suono solo rende.
Su qual strumento siamo tesi, e quale
violinista ci tiene la mano?
O dolce canto.
✒ Rilke
🎨 Marc Chagall
Coq Rouge Dans La Nuit
#Rilke #letterstoayoungpoet Live your way into the answer....
#moderncalligraphy #italiccalligraphyworkshop
"RILKE: Duino Elegies"
by BOZOKY, Maria
mixed technique
11 1/2"x8"
Rainer Maria Rilke, was a Bohemian-Austrian poet and novelist.
BOZOKY was not only well known as a painter, but was equally known and respected as an art critic and book writer.
#IvanffyUhlerGallery #art #artist
@Amyperuana @claudioborlotto @Hakflak @NadiaZanelli1 @BrindusaB1 @semicvet50 @bmarczewska @ars_omnis @javiango @lagatta4739 @anthony77631293 @BPerrionni @LunaLeso @Spiros209 @albertopetro2 @monica74761144 @EnricoCastrovil @ceconomou56 @cecilia_fava @MaurilioVitto @maluisa_3 @dianadep1 @Clanlupi @agustin_gut @1Atsuhimerose2 @JaoreroR @Papryka5 @Xv4jdAJMm8iQbQJ @henrirouen @mariaireneali @Choco_Sandy1 @barrywyman2356 @BaroneZaza70 @RosamariaNoia @Biagio960 @Tramanera @erminiopasquat1 @migliaccio31 @licprospero @Rebeka80721106 @smarucci461 @MargoWa21483274 @VicoLudovico @redne2013 @piotr408 @sergey_silkin @arteyart @AmparoDelMoral1 #BuonaSerata 💙
Quando i miei pensieri
sono ansiosi e inquieti,
vado in riva al #mare
che li annega li manda via,
li purifica col suo rumore
e impone un ritmo su ciò che
in me è disorientato.
#Paint J.Royo
Música, aliento de las estatuas, tal vez:
Silencio de las imágenes. Lengua
donde acaban las lenguas; tiempo
perpendicular a los corazones en fusión.
¿Sentimientos, para qué? ¿Metamorfosis de los sentimientos, en qué? En un paisaje de sonidos.
/ Ph. ©@EleniFineArtPho
#Rilke • #ORPHELINS • Jour #2 • {die #Schubert-Lieder}
#repetition #rehearsal #rerun #rainermariarilke #orphans #waisenkinder #theatre @theatre_dunois @Olivier_Dhen #drama
@danielamacorin @Banquozghost @Revelsoffice @_MinaMurray @MagsYoungs @Mysteryves @kats_katspaws The legs, so delicately shaped, balanced a
body wrought of finest ivory. And as
he moved, his coat shone like reflected moonlight.
High on his forehead rose the magic horn, the sign
of his uniqueness: a tower held upright
by his alert, yet gentle, timid gait.
The Unicorn~ Rilke
Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave- Rainer Maria Rilke #childrensillustration #inspirationalquote #inspirational #whimsical #kidlitart #childrensbooks #illustration #dragon #swinging #motivational #happy
Je me réjouis de voir que vous avez évité de tomber dans ces pièges et que vous restez vaillant et solitaire au milieu d'une dure réalité.
"Lettres à un jeune poète" #RainerMariaRilke #citation
#art #casparddavidfriedrich
Title: "bars"
painted under the impressions regarding the situation of the #refugees on the #Mexico-US-#Border in the last weeks.
Click here for the #poem "The #Panther", by Rainer Maria #Rilke
#portraitpainting #oilpainting #refugee #artwork #artist
two minds
two hearts
two flames
two contributors
two architects
building their mad or sadly sane worlds together
I don’t want to be you & I don’t want you to be me
The beauty
The love
Come from our acceptance of each others’ souls
Rainer Maria Rilke 💫HB
Matisse • Embrace
@sacha_coward Helmut Westhoff - Portrait of Rainer Maria Rilke, 1901
Leonid Pasternak - Rilke in Moscow, 1928
Le opere d’arte sono sempre il frutto dell’essere stati in pericolo, dell’essersi spinti, in un’esperienza, fino al limite estremo oltre il quale
nessuno può andare
@vighicarlo @isidemoni
Cappella Sistina, Michelangelo
Ph:Ghigo Roli, details
Il tuo non esserci è già caldo di te,
Ed è più vero,
Più del tuo mancarmi.
Rainer Maria Rilke
🎨Willy Jaeckel
@Rebeka80721106 @redne2013 @Papryka5 @ValerioLivia @DemoFranca
@artmajcar @BaroneZaza70 @erminiopasquat1 @Biagio960 @DBking85
Lì si levò un albero. Oh puro sovrastare!
Orfeo canta! Grandezza dell’albero in ascolto!
E tutto tacque. Ma proprio in quel tacere
avvenne un nuovo inizio, cenno e mutamento.
@ScrivoArte @Biagio960
@ghegola @FrankCapitone
Ninfee, Monet #ScrivoArte
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.
Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
~Rainer M Rilke
"Fall of Phaeton"
Gustave Moreau