Lena Luthor’s armored suit concept.. or the AU where Lena has taken up Supergirl's mantle to protect National City while waiting for Kara to get back to her..

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happy an incredibly lovely person commissioned me to redraw famous ‘and i called the police’ look. thanks again Kayla-without-a-twitter, it was fantastic working with you!

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✨ Spotlight Saturday ✨
Treason’s Crown by is available now! For more info, check out our post on Insta or go to the author’s bio!

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"When I was contacted by via to produce one of the six stamps for the Sci-fi Author’s collection, I didn’t hesitate to accept."

creates new stamp inspired by Andrew C. Clark for 🚀


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Here’s how Elrena using Diamond Dust can still win when she’s recompleted: take DD, make the blade Ixion’s horn, that’s all u need!! Judgement Bolt would still a rly good name tho, I like that better than Thor’s Hammer.

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Good mornin. How is everyone this stormy Thor’s Day?

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Finally ran into the problem where one of the mangas I want to read/collect is out of print and very expensive :( it’s by a prominent LGBT mangaka and the anime adaptation was important to me as a teenager. I can support the author’s ongoing series but it’s not the same.

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⚡️Beta Ray Bill⚡️

With stormbreaker about to hit Thor’s front two teeth. The design is from Cover of the new the series by which I’m excited to read more of!

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That fight was better than I had ever expected it to be, and props to Shadow for finally getting a win! As for next time, with Lex Luthor VS Doctor Doom, all I have to say is...

Luthor’s about to meet his doom.

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Daily LFS (Liminal Fiction Spotlight): Ava Kelly (Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi): click the star next to the author’s name to “favorite” them!


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previously, hela touched his face and for several issues thor’s face was obscured by shadows or froggery and we only read his thoughts on his hideous new face and now the big reveal is that it’s a beard. nothing more comic book than a multi-issue arc to make a beard lore-friendly

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— immediate hover, just a few feet above his former teammate, Silver. As the hedgehog laid bloodied and battered, Thor’s boots dug into the surface beside his ally.

“Fret not, my little gerbil friend, for thou shan’t stand alone, on this day.”

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well. said “loki in thor’s hoodie” so i had to skdjdjfkkf

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Attacks collided, ending in a total mesa for the battlefield. However, Thor’s moves came from two directions, covering most of the explosion until the beam of his mount pierced through the gamma energy and hit Hulk directly into his body.—

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— The godblast began to expand, expelling from every inch of Thor’s body as his own form of eruption. Both the godblast as well as the pillar of lightning which rained down from the sky collided against the Hulk’s gamma explosion on two fronts; one atop and the other below. —

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— beckoning of Thor’s hand.

Watching as the devastating hurricane laid waste to the Hulk’s figure, the Asgardian king made sure as to not allow too much arrogance to overcome himself; azure gaze fixed upon Banner, even while swirling about at rapid speeds. —

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Now that Hulk was trapped, his body got covered by the water this hurricane was carrying.

And you know what these meant... 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐒 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘.

The body of the Devil would start feeling Thor’s lighting in his entire being. Suffering all the —

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— A hasty repositioning of the hammer amongst Thor’s grasp, led the Asgardian to swing the bludgeoning heirloom in an overhand motion. The hammer’s uru metal head collided with the piece of terrain, shattering it almost instantaneously. —

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