Boghog was only recently discovered as a fifth potential evo. On top of rotten garbage it also loves bitter berries. Its aroma is quite strong. Pigbeetle is a favorite amongst collectors for its kind demeanor. Its hard carapace makes it nigh invulnerable to a lot of attacks.

0 4

"Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que alguien podía seguirme el ritmo"

Son capaces de decirse todo con la mirada, tienen una conexión inigualable, uno lo piensa y el otro ya lo está haciendo.

Por separado son increíbles, pero juntos son el terror del sistema.

1 15

For me, my top 5 (with number one in the tweet after this) would have to be:

5: Pokaradon (Walrus Leviathan) from Frontier
4: Akura Vashimu (Crystal Scorpion Carapaceon) from Frontier
3: Lightenna (Lightning Neopterran) from Online
2: Hyujikiki (Spiky Flying Wyvern) Frontier

0 1

Rook. 3rd contestant of Batch 1. A black castle chess piece who's limbs are protected with a hardened marble carapace. He has powers related to his chess counterpart and isn't fond of thinking for himself. Despite having a marble shell, it regenerates

6 39



15 159

Ayer termine Princess Tutu y en general me gusto mucho.

Es un cuento que trabaja la dinámica autor-personaje, una que trasciende ficción y se clava en nuestra realidad, todos somos capaces de reconocer en el fondo si somos realmente felices con el papel que desempeñamos.

12 62

¡Feliz 😊

Si hay algo que no falta en es la amistad, en cómo muchos personajes son capaces de tanto por sus amigos.
¿Qué Final Fantasy simboliza mejor para vosotros la amistad?

22 144

L’autrice ci consegna un romanzo audace e intelligente, capace di lasciare il segno e farci riflettere su un grande interrogativo: quante persone siamo?

di Elvira Seminara

6 9

It was recently discovered that Diablos's bone marrow has superb binding properties, and these unique substances make Diablos's shell and scales incredibly dense and heavy. Constant exposure to sand makes Diablos's carapace stronger and harder.

0 53

Esta semana el será para Tapirmon.
Este está inspirado en una leyenda popular en la que los tapires, o una criatura llamada Baku, son capaces de devorar pesadillas. Este concepto también lo vemos con Alakama en o Drowzee en

12 30

Civer te equivocas este alien le saca la mierda a alien X

La raza de upchuck puede comer de todo incluso weas mas grandes que ellos

Y son capaces de comerse un muy grande y a alien X

0 4

An unstable being of light imprisoned in a weaponize carapace, Little Bug is discovered and rescued by Shark Jr. and his team, who are determined to protect her from the vile pirates seeking to use her as a doomsday weapon.

0 1

Nomear 4 personagens que você seja obcecado:

Faramir, Zhongli, Kotetsu, Barnaby, Ryan e Yuri.

Sim, eu trapaceei com uma única imagem 👁️

Nomear 4 pessoas a fazer o mesmo:

0 4

The Cloaked Crustacean of Tide Island, Taikun Zamuza (Phase 1)
My first Frontier monster drawing, discounting Espinas! Easily my favorite carapaceon c:<

35 203

Questo è "Fuori dal gregge" la mia pecora per la call "Che bèeèello! per favore mi disegni una pecora?"🐑
"Che bèeèello" è una call aperta a tutti per creare un’unica installazione collettiva in divenire, capace di esaltare l’unicità stilistica e co…

1 11

im vinny/niko!! i mostly draw intermission and carapace stuff but my art tends to vary. homestuck was one of the most formative things for me artwise so it bleeds into a lot of stuff i do lol

4 16

Quel qualcuno,che
entra nella tua vita e
cambia tutti i tuoi verbi
IL vivere,ha senso solo
IL sogno,solo al su fianco
Ma nell'impatto,non capisci
se il"sentire"potrebbe
toglierti la terra sotto
i piedi o farti chiudere
gli occhi e portarti allapace

35 59

‘Noomi Rapace’ … superb actress - esp as Lisabeth Salander in ‘The Girl WIth The Dragon Tattoo’ …

Soundtrack: ‘Another Girl, Another Planet’ by The Only One’s’ …

supply TheDragonTattoo

0 1

Ciao, ci ho messo ORE a fare sta cagata perché non sono capace a fare cose decenti né tantomento a farle in poco tempo, però ecco Sailor Gaia

2 16


Whence the blue van
Seen in brief
Sneaking off-grid
Like a thief

Cerulean Gas Board
Electric sky
Splashed in mud
Wet and dry

Jay-wing dart
Or diesel grind
All fairy lights
And state of mind

His shell, cocoon
Or carapace
A rave-on snail
With vehicle face


5 16