# egg eggs chick chicks chicken babyanimals cutebabyanimals silkiechicken silkies hen motherhen animals animalart animalartist draweveryday dailydrawing krita art spring freshair cigaretteassassins beatpneumonia beatbronchitis beatcopd beatcancer beatemphysema breathe mondaymorning mondaymotivation rt 508gallery residentartists supportartists interiordesign freshartwork abstractart texture pinkwednesday meangirlsday freshandfierce 40thavenue upacts back2school ocs blackart blackcomics comics freshart wabp18 devineintervention juleswinnfield sketchbook workinprogress wip colorcombos colorcombothursday abstract_art abstractdecor modernstyle paintingprocess fortheloveofcolor thankyouforvisiting quitsmoking pneumonia emphysema cancer copd outdoorlearning physicaldevelopment socialbutterflies sofreshandsoclean colour_collective freshartfair abstract heatwave painting freshartfriday watercolorart watercolorpainting watercolor aquarellepainting aquarelle watercolorlandscape greatoutdoors nebraskaart nebraska rural sandhills storytime katp russellpark bedford songs stories friendship rhymes contemporaryart contemporarypainting newart mixedmedia contemporarystyle designideas homedecor newhome homedesign colorful illustration illustrate eshortcourses tutorbill watercolour onlinecourse onlinelearning adulteducation shortcourse photoshop illustratelikeaprofessional photoshopforbeginners sea ocean waves splash spray sky blue artsale buyart blackfriday giftideas giftidea giveart holidayshopping mermaid rusalka watersprite upatree treeclimbing birb bird nature outdoor fantasy fantasyart artforsale omarrayyanart omarrayyan


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Laura Fishman: 'Infinite Possibilities'
Our resident artist is back to showcase a variety of paintings from drip to pour!
Nov 8th, 6.30 - 8.30pm
Image: 'Tsunami Bomb'

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Andre, Rita and Jinn in their FRESHAF gear, and expect more cuties lol! I like drawing outfits hehe

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Its the wedding at the weekend and I haven't washed my trousers. Oh no! Quick, anthropomorphic washing machine to the rescue!

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London is hot! 😍 Looking forward to exhibiting this piece ‘Geisha’ next week with 26th-29th April ❤️❤️🌟#freshartfair https://t.co/eS0VahVQt7

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Here's a date worth saving! is back from 27-29 April with over 5000 artworks from emerging artists to Royal Academicians. https://t.co/xQ61n0xGss

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9.30 Mondays - all welcome! Enormous thanks to ALL our fabulous storytellers in 2017 - please let us know if you can spare us a Monday or two in 2018. Today Stories with Super Sam!!

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