Sasha demon | Amphibia angels & Demons AU

0 3

Giuliano and I discuss color schemes for 'Ommi', the Empress' murderous lieutenant; debuts in Book01 and featured at the opening of Book02.

4 days left. 5 out of 6 issues finished. No InDemand. 64pgs, hardcover:

17 118

Is today ... or have we just been unable to banish Giuliani from public view?

7 32

The Art of Gliulian - Gallery update :

47 268

1534 Pope Clement VII (Giulio di Giuliano de' Medici), whose pontificate saw the brutal sacking of Rome in 1527 by mutinous forces of Charles V during the War of the League of Cognac & the accelerated spread of Protestantism throughout Europe, passed away in Rome.

1 2

Snippets of my back and forth notes with Giuliano. When he renders that disgusting jelly thing is how I know that he's zoned in and committed to the project.

ARC ATHENA02 following up Book01 is coming in strong!

5 58

The interactive lift-the-flaps by PEEK-A-MOOD, engages readers w/various cute animals as kids explore emotions, learning how to identify their own + read nonverbal clues in others’ faces reviews

4 6

Giuliano Peratelli is rendering disturbing images for ARC ATHNEA02.

5 145

Happy Thurz day Giuliana :)

its great to see u every day :) as well as thurs :)

ty :)

1 6

I'll blame timezones for my tardiness

I'm Giuliana! Uruguayan 2D freelance artist based in Barcelona. I love creating colourful & stylish character design / illustrations! Currently lookin' for my first opportunity in the Game & Animation Industry as a jr. artist!

2 10

Hello Peter 😈🔪♥#yourboyfriend + icon

0 4


C'è un vuoto che è pieno
del nulla, è oblio
nell'anima che freme in
attesa di un segno

Giuliana Zarantonello


Catrin Welz Stein

13 21

Esiste un luogo
Dove la tua impronta
Confonde un sospiro
Che faticoso
Diventa graffio
Ritemprando il ricordo
Come vento sino alle ossa
Senza costruire giudizi
Diventi bello nelle sere
In cui la luna consola
E le braccia tue e mie
Si circondano

🎨Giuliano Macca

93 205