Anna liebt süsse Sachen 🌸 🧸

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Noch genau 5 Wochen bis zum Release von Band 1 🤩✨

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Wer noch nie am Ende eines Regenbogens war...sollte es lassen! Dort erwartet einen nichts als zähnefletschende kleeblattsüchtige Kreaturen, die einem mit dem falschen Versprechen nach Gold locken!

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vom Gekritzel zur fertigen Kreatur. Das "Wür", dessen Fell heiß begehrt ist.

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Roll for a constitution save against Kreatur's natural scent. Ep3 of dropped Tuesday. Did you meet Cole's family yet?

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End of December, and only now finishing off my secret Santa art. Shame.

But this is Lorn, he belongs to kreaturekreations on Deviantart! <3 Handsome lad enjoying the snow.

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Phileasson findet Luftkreaturen in Rakshazar

Auch der vierte Advent ist pünktlich angekommen – man ist dieses Jahr ja schon für die kleinen Dinge dankbar.
Nandurion dankt de ...

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You can draw any of these guys, moon and Aric together art would be awesome :3
Buster’s species and gender, etc is in ref
Moon is a wolf
Aric is a wolf(his scar and jacket/pants are required)
And Kreatur the three headed fox/dog

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You can draw any of these guys! (Some ship art of moon and Aric would be kewl!)
Aric is a wolf, jacket and scar are required
Moon is a wolf
Neon is red panda/wolf
Kreatur is a three headed fox/dog

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Tysm for the chance!
Moon is a wolf
Xander is a leopard/wolf
Kreatur is a three headed fox/dog
Neon is a red panda/wolf

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Someone already claimed to be neon’s maker so I have Kreatur(three headed dog/fox), Moon(wolf), Xander(wolf/leopard), Circus(husky) and a few more left! You may choose :0

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:3 Tysm for the chance!
Moon is wolf
Kreatur is dog/fox
Neon is red panda/wolf (swirls on back of ears)

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you can choose either moon(wolf), aric(wolf), neon(red panda/wolf), or Kreatur(three headed fox/dog)
Neon has works on back of ears and Aric’s jacket and Scar are required. Tysm due the chance!

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Tysm for the chance!
You can choose moon, neon, or Kreatur to draw! Please draw moon’s clothes on her, moon is a wolf, Kreatur is a fox/dog, and neon is wolf/red panda

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I have 4, Neon(Red Panda/Wolf), Moon(Purple Wolf/Demon/Angel/Dragon), Aric(Grey Wolf with scar), Kreatur(Three headed dog/fox), and No Name(help me with name if you want, demon German Shepard/Husky)
Sorry I know it’s a lot, Moon and Aric are married btw

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Would love some art of these guys! The male demon German Shepard/Husky is Kreatur’s(female three headed fox/dog) boyfriend! And Aric and Moon are married!
You can draw them separately or with their partner.
Aric’s jacket and scar are required.

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Take moon and Kreatur!
You can do aric if you want :3

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Eine Reihe mit dem Titel „Monsters of“ bringt noch mehr Hintergründe und Wissen zu den verschiedensten Kreaturen und Wesen für D&D 5e.

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Tysm for the chance!
You can draw Moon(Wolf Furry) with or without clothes and can draw her as a feral
You can draw Kreatur :3 Kreatur is only feral btw.

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