Elcarna von Hohenstein - NPC (non-player character) illustration for the pen&paper roleplaying game "The Dark Eye" (Das Schwarze Auge).
Painted in Krita and Photoshop.
Published in "Rohals Erben"
Copyright Ulisses Spiele, 2022

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Oswyn Puschinske - NPC (non-player character) illustration for the pen&paper roleplaying game "The Dark Eye" (Das Schwarze Auge).
Painted in Krita and Photoshop.
Published in "Rohals Erben"
Copyright Ulisses Spiele, 2022

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Ursprünglich bedingt durch Corona spielen wir DSA nur noch übers Netz. Da es auch Kämpfe gibt hab ich angefangen, eigene Tokens zu erstellen. Für die Charaktere hatte wir ja schon welche, aber die Gegner...

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I'm always happy when a SL knocks on my door and wants to give his players presents. There is so much joy and gratitude in the gesture and I can empathize with it so well.
Don't we have a great hobby?

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Pardona, legate of the Nameless God from

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I was trying to get my files in order and stumbled upon a bunch of old illustrations I did for Ulisses when I switched from freelance to employed illustrator! So bare with me while I post old stuff <3

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Tassilo ash Manek from Vinsalt is a character of my recent group. I am very happy I got the opportunity to paint him. :)

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Speedpaint of my blessed one of Rondra

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*Yes Ma´am*
Alvar is quite dumb and a mess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*maybe this time you won't do anything stupid or life-threatening*

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my witcher in 's (Studio Fortiche) style
Feeling so inspired <3

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Today in Nomodder's art corner.
Adira, the heroine of my novels as drawn by her friend, while she was in a coma. A picture that is very dear to me.

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The condescending and snobbish squirrel that I drew for Still one of my faves. <3 Pen and paper commissions in general are just a blast to work on~.

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You always wanted to call Cthulhu?

With our fresh new asset pack, "Cosmic Horror," coming out tomorrow, it's easier than ever before to summon your local demon!

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Meine wunderbare Freunde hat etwas tolles für mich gezeichnet. In dem P&P RPG wird die Göttin Rahja manchmal himmlische Stute genannt. My OC Cait verkörpert ziemlich gut ihre Lehren. Außerdem passt auch das Optische zum Gag :D

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Anderthalb Jahre ist es schon her, dass ich eine Rezension zur Einsteigerbox für geschrieben habe. Wer die Rezension noch nicht kennt, der sei herzlich eingeladen, mal reinzulesen! 🧙‍♂️🔮 lohnt sich ja durchaus! Hier der Link: https://t.co/qdksenoXjg

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