A trial balloon for what? For 's leadership? The last trial balloon during was a complete failure; it crashed and burned! 😋


2 3

! Dude, is over. U LOSSED!

Now, how is that US Citizenship renouncing thing going? We all want 2 know if you're a still a with divided loyalties or just a typical like Fraudster!😋


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I believe it was himself who authorized political operative to initiate operations against & under the code name ! 😋

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Not that is done, I really, really, really want to know the current citizenship status of your leader! ? 😋

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Additionally, I wonder if 's over the top cruelty to the most vulnerable in Alberta is due to 's failure to win PMship in ?


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Consider what is doing 2 the most vulnerable in AB & the sneaky act of delaying the budget til after the Fed ,Cda dodged a BULLET by rejecting that !😋


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Ur leader has refused 2 acknowledge he hired the devil 4 operation against his political rivals & women! R u prepared 2 call out ur leader! 😋


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The night before Elections Day 2019, we want to share some of the funniest Memes we made for this campaign! Hope you enjoy.

Harper OR Scheer? We can't tell the difference either!

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Scheer wants your vote! He will sell Canada to the USA.

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Canada's political cartoonists have already drawn 's endorsement of ! There is nothing stopping from asking Donald for the real thing! 😋


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Why won't answer the question? Does it have anything 2 do with spreading more lies? Oh, oh, oh.. I know! It much easier 4 2 lie when he is wearing his chicken suit ! 😋


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