2 episodes of my series Light Fairytale are now on and

- Classic turn-based battles.
- Modern 3D graphics.
- Cute chibi characters.
- Playable in English, French and Japanese.
- Enhanced on and

Store Links: https://t.co/LNYWt3rHJS

18 56


PS5™/PS4™/Xbox Series X|S/Xbox One向けに、12月3日(金)配信決定!


14 34

Así de fuerte nos cayó el lanzamiento anticipado del multijugador gratuito de Halo Infinite

6 40

I'm really glad that they opted for a transparent design for the Wireless Controller 20th Anniversary Special Edition.
It perfectly catches the essence of the early 00s era when transparent gamepads were all the rage.

0 5

TL見てたらHALO INFINITEモデルのseriesXも欲しくなってきた…アッアッ…

4 49

ついに我が家にxbox series xが!!


15 160

Ok I’m beginning to like a bit more . Also new available on the storefront.#ForzaHorizon5

10 77

Miyazaki estuvo a punto de llamar a su juego "Zelden Ring" por su gran inspiración en Zelda BOTW

" Elden Ring es básicamente Breath of the Wild con una skin de Bloodborne " - Confesaba el creativo de Fromsoftware a los medios de prensa.

74 742

Hey everyone please go check out my review for
Light Fairytale Episode 1 on
Publisher, Developer
Release UK 13/9/2019
Price UK £8.39
Check out my blog for my reviews https://t.co/wdA4v4waPC
Subscribe my YouTube channel https://t.co/a2D6K3Ofcb

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