画質 高画質

10/19_ ROJUE Group(Higashi LLC)
model: Miki

training of oil painting
300 min

0 8

Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
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Saturday 19 Oct
Sets sound performance & drawing all based on the work of William Blake at St Pancras Church Euston- prepare to be inspired!
More info:

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Also from last night: It’s great when a inspires with excellent poses, so felt like adding wings.

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Some pretty decent results, if I say so myself.

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A refresher ife study, a digital drawing on the ol cintiq in prep for some life drawing over the next few days.

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10/10_ at Geiso Center(Art Model)

① 60 min conte
② 〃  〃

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