Here’s this unshaded thing bc I felt rlly unmotivated with it, I really liked the sketch tho but hey!!! The Boyes

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TFW you're unmotivated and you know you should be working

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midnight doodle 😴
i'm super bored yet super unmotivated to draw
please end our boredom

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Been like severely art blocked and unmotivated so this is an experiment in style to try to get my mind going idk

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I made this when I was feeling unmotivated and I really ended up liking it. It's hard to explain to others about it though. Enjoy!

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My first girl ,, an idol with the stage name "strawberry dia"
An emotionless, unmotivated girl famous for her unique charisma and cute looks🍓🍓✨

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Going to start week 3 of tomorrow. Feeling unmotivated, worried I'll give up, and will just make excuses to not do it... Anyone have any advice on how to stick to things when motivation is shaky?

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My god I have not drawn anything in a long time and I felt really bad about it. I was sick the entire week so I couldn't draw and I was pretty unmotivated. But today, I DREW ME MURDER BOI!

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Took another break from my powerpuff girls series to draw this wonderful character by brittsartandstuff on IG. I actually did a background haha I feel pretty unmotivated to do a background after finishing a drawing cuz I wanna be done! What's your least favorite thing to draw?

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Being both unmotivated to do anything and bored out of your mind causes your brain to just do nothing but think.

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Was very unmotivated today and I didn't really like my last drawing but I was at least able to draw these nice goobs

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I’ve been feeling a little down lately and unmotivated to draw so I’m trying to push myself to get back into it again. Here’s some silly mudkip doodles I did with the crayon brush. Hope you like them :D.

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My OC's are a must-draw when I'm unmotivated o|-<

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more like.... doc ock sona.... she's incredibly smart and super unmotivated

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Am very proud.
I was very unmotivated that day because of a previous full body sketch that just wasn't working out but then I remembered 'Hey! I'm still good at portraits! No need to be sad!' 💕

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ootd self portrait warmup thing. sorry for the spotty activity, been feeling down and unmotivated but im coming out of it.
you can tell i haven’t drawn in like a week c’:

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im so unmotivated to drawwwwwww

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I dont know what this is,
but ehh
unmotivated to do anything did this
like it idk 5 mins

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Working on a gift~
Not sure why i am so unmotivated and my drawing speed is 2x slower 😤

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