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Lost in spring (2)

Buddha watches everything.

An unfinished series
Watercolor, Gimp
July 2010

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Hoy es el ✍️💯
El día de uno de los mejores superhéroes de la historia. Un ejemplo a seguir. Aunque sea un personaje ficticio sus valores son reales. Su bondad y su sonrisa no deben ser olvidados.

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The Sound of the Next Season Blooming.
By Chika Tanikawa. Printed in her "Untitled" book. Signed copies avail. at akatako.

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こちらは、豊後出身の南画家 帆足杏雨(1810-1884)の「寒林驟雨図」(部分)です。突然の雨に傘をさす人の様子が描かれています。

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Tell me your secrets.
Printed in Maruograph DX III by Suehiro Maruo. 200 pages of the first ever 3rd volume of Maruograph. Signed copies at akatako:

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After two long weeks of not drawing I finally get back to it 😊 hope y’all like this pervy frog boyo I made!

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Em Nishizuka PATTERN C concept art with butterflies, caterpillars, flowers, and sea slugs transformed into cute fashion. Signed copies:

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