‘Più ci penso, più mi rendo conto che non c’è nulla di più veramente artistico che amare gli altri...bellissime paole carissima Caterina💖💖💖😍👍e speciale la cara amica buon pomeriggio a te e amici
van Gogh

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“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”—Audrey Hepburn ☀️ 🏡 🌸

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Happy Monday, let's colour these gran days with the ilustration of our student Pablo E. Medina, it is less time left for the end of the confinement

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Who wants to play?

Tell me how many you find!

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and keep on playing
Thanks for making it easier 💜

1 12

The closest things to substitute a IRL hug......
•snuggly blanket and a video call with someone who gives you good feels •warm bath with your favourite music or pod cast. •animal affection •comfort food and a feel good film.


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Splendido dipinto carissima Rebeka💖💖💖😘e bellissima la poesia..e molto difficile rinunciare alla speranza...👏👍🤗buon lunedi cara amica
Carl Larsson

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