Happy Monday!
How about a Drop a Monday gif, like, RT and

90 321

So many favorite cartoons. How can I choose?
Hello to everyone.
Next week starts Please stop by & ❤️ Support of friends is so important. I truly appreciate all of you.

2 6

Say Hi, tell us your genre, accomplishments, goals, or your and ReTweet for others to take part.
Come and enjoy the spotlight!!

40 113

Time for a
All writers under 77K followers leave a comment and we'll follow you. Those who are above please join in too. Comment and retweet.
Let's get crackin’! ALL WRITERS! LET’S DO THIS!!!

164 520

Say Hi, tell us your genre, accomplishments, goals, or your and ReTweet for others to take part.
Come and enjoy the spotlight!!

13 63


Sometimes I feel like I am alone out here, thanks so much for hearing me!
I am part of and love our

You absolutely rock!
(somehow lost your original retweet...)

1 2

while I edit away on my novel, let's do a Sunday afternoon

What is you're favorite sci-fi/fantasy movie from the summer of 1986!

As as always, like, retweet and follow everyone who is kind enough to participate.

31 79

I'm so close to 2,000, I wanna party like it's 1999. Only a few weeks ago I was eying 500. It's my turn to do a for the Like and share your your website, or a gif of your fave party song. Please retweet if you're >2000 followers.

36 168

It’s time again to express your hatred of Monday’s and share a GIF for Monday motivation on this !Comment a GIF, like and retweet as we take on the beginning of this crazy week and

8 60