
2 0

Un pequeño homenaje para el Sr.Iwata :)

0 1

RIP Satoru Iwata, thank you ♡

55 141

Thank you for the memories, Mr Iwata <3

0 1

Rest in Peace, Iwata.

0 1

A tribute to Satoru Iwata, the fourth president of Nintendo.

14 21

I can only say "Thank You", Mr. Iwata, for the love and happiness that you gave to the world.

13 10

Just had my heart broken by this. You should, too. (The artist is peachbunni on Tumblr.)

78 77

Farewell Iwata san. More than just the fans will miss you.

3 1

We are LIVE with a special broadcast of Pokémon Heart Gold dedicated to Iwata. http://t.co/I0dWVB1ru6

22 70

It's a very sad thing to lose someone so special but he will forever be remember for what he did do.

13 11

Fanart I did today <3
This guy was amazing, I thank him so much for many games <3

1 3

Hi, it's Kawaiikochans. Thank you, Mr. Iwata.

23 37

Thank you Mr. Satoru Iwata - 1959 - 2015


2 4

The world of will never be the same without you Mr. Iwata. Thank you for everything.

3 3


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