Death cultists are pretty warped that way. See also: climate change, warmongering, white supremacy.

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Calling this one done! Little bit of Howling Griffon fan art for ya. Honestly I just really like the colors and livery of their armour.

3 15

Seeing a few of the guys playing at spurred me on to get some paint on some Orks (something different from IJ and Gitz 😅). Love the really classic Goff/Space Ork scheme. Very but you can see where it's heading.

1 12

Oh my days look at the new store birthday models!!!! 🤯

3 21

This is nice, I do like it! What about you,

12 118

Skin and wood were a success. Cloth is a little rougher. Too bad I have way too much Sylvaneth to paint before next weekend to keep experimenting

2 18

Had a quick sit down in to see if I could stand a chance of using s guide for contrast nmm on a unit. 10 mins for this and I'm so excited I squeeeed. I think I went a little dark generally though.

2 34

Little bits of the doomsday ark are coming along. Pains me to think I have two more! Hopefully finish the 1st this week.

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happy to call the squigs done. Moving on to the riders. These have taken an age to paint! Hoping the next 5 speed up 😁

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I have no idea who created this amazing piece of art but you've convinced me that a Unification War set of books are a must, EPIC!

23 280

Project golden demon is slowly turning to project everchosen since there is still no announcement of a warhammer fest in europe this year.
Motivation is in free fall.
As a side note, the Arc revenant will probably be my project for this

1 6

So this happened my fellow hobbyists...

0 9

Episode 10 is here with Hayden Walker the ! Where we chat about our experience over in New Zealand playing at Notorious GT !

2 8

Aleguzzler completed. I put this together the week it was released, so many problems with missed mold lines and gaps. Not only that but paint coming off cos I had primed it so long ago. Lessons learnt! In the end the skin injuries got used to cover up these things!

1 14

Arch-Revenant finished for my Sylvaneth army. A really beautiful model, it was a joy to paint! 😊

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