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They are excellent mechanics I love.
👨‍🔧真田志郎(Siro Sanada)
🐸Lana Loud

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*More pics in the replies* The sixth pic in the thread, the first drawing of Akihiko Sanada I ever made! Why yes, I love Persona 3

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12. Mori Motonari from Sengoku Basara. Yes, he's ridiculous. But I like the hat, I like the hula hoop, I like the colour green, and I like the Mori. He builds a huge mirror machine to be undefeatable. (No, they didn't just wait for night, Sanada Yukimura had to go punch it.)

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を作りたい!今回は抜群の身体能力とクールな立ち振る舞いが格好いいSANADA 選手!WTL優勝はもちろん、近いうちにシングルでベルトを巻いて欲しい存在です!ちなみに2枚目の一番左の選手。

3 11

En el 2014 mi vida dio un rumbo muy brusco luego de la muerte de un familiar. Me hundí en la depresión más grande de mi vida, pero que me dejó piezas muy sanadoras.

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Gonna have this old-ass print of Akihiko Sanada from Persona 3/P4U at Nekocon!

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Happy birthday best boy ♡

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@ junpei who dresses you in the morning
• • •

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It's that time of year again for cuTE COSTUMES •••

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