Laura Gompertz has kindly donated this artwork to our Christmas auction.⠀
Bufftailed Bumblebee 4, 2021⠀
Framed pen and ink drawing of a bumblebee.⠀
Framed size 21cm x 16cm x 4cm.⠀
Bidding doesn't begin until the 17th November, but you can view the w…

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Pic per day 6 November 2021⠀
Weird green lady holding a can

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Pic per day 5 November 2021⠀
Evil character in his polka dot underwear

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Pic per day 2 November 2021⠀
Worried looking cartoon king with a bald head
# royal # royalty

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Pic per day 28 October 2021⠀
Lady with a mohawk and a dress

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