So might’ve just ordered a second Warbringer Nemesis Titan. Definitely blaming this on inspiration from seeing latest Engine!

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For the day that’s in it, this is my battlegroup led by the Warlord Titan Manum Rubricata, the Red Hand of Legio Vulpa. Pict-capture from the War of Four Princeps, accompanied by [REDACTED].

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First test Warhound done for Legio 3.5, The Gatekeepers

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So this is my battle force in all its glory. Have to say that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on them and I feel that they are my best to date.

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Good afternoon my fellow Princeps.

So that’s my Lance of Knights all finished, might do some but not at the moment as I’m all knighted out.

I’m sure that I’ll be back onto Titans soon. 😊

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This is a very pretty legio. Maybe prettier than Ignatum... 🤔

3 29

You’ve heard of ‘a tale of four warlords’ well here’s a tale of six warlords from one Princeps. Just wanted to put together something to celebrate this most awesome of

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Here is a little something that I’ve done recently but is it just a one off or the start of my fifth Legio? Only time will tell.

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Finished off the first knight porphyripn for Adeptus Titanicus, nice little model to paint, now need to get the other done

5 35

Already ordered the insert for the new member of the ? ⭐
It's now in stock. So get your war machine battle-ready to the tabletop with the foam tray for the 💥 ➡️

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Finally got some models finished, except for the bases because every colour I tried didn't look right, hence the plain black.

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Well after painting up some loyalist titans recently I thought that it was about time that I got some Traitors built and painted. My first for my battleforce. I don’t think that it turned out too bad.

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Good morning my fellow Princeps. Last night brought to me another Warhound for my Legio Ignatum battleforce. This is only the second Warhound that I’ve magnetised a Warhound Titan and I feel that it won’t be the last time either. 😃

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With all this inspiration going around, finally sat down to make the Knight Castellan I’ve had for ages. Need to pick a household and get it painted up! Oh and if we could get these for Titanicus at some stage please GW that would just be awesome!!

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So that’s Ferox Sarcedos, Warbringer of the 7th Maniple Legio Solaria all done and dusted. I didn’t like the look of the Warbringer initially but after this project, I have been converted, it’s absolutely beautiful. 😊

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