Some 2018 s of the infantry bouts in the Great War of 1800-1810rt.

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wip than I'm still afraid of going back to hahaha. There's an airship there gonna make it stand out a bit more.

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tanks for I guess i should have focused more on airships haha. I'll look into that this year :D

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Great War Arcean Republic Air Force art. I flattened the image and forgot to save the bg separately : (. I worked hard on that air ship. haha.
Happy New Year in advance :D

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Shirudan shird handler. guy who likes shird and brings a shotgun to hunt spies.

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Shirudo drill sergeant and his shird. From :D

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Great War era Shirudo Airships from a setting by

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Daitai Spec Ops (by @/haonfest), Paratroopers, Marines, and Infantry (@/AirfortressRava). Gotta love it.

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Some more arts.
Arcean General Foroughi hears out a request from HNLU representative Sabine Hart and her Red Healer friend.

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Sick for the first time in three years. Very fun.
Here is a cocky Shub with a recoiless rifle. Based on designs from this handsome dude

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Arash Scirebroc - He aimed to save the revolution by selling it's soul.
Guy Salehrad - A farmer who knew only what he did not would bear the torch in the darkest hour.
Fabrice Hickey - The most qualified head of state but his was an era of stagnation.

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Old airship drawings I never got around to posting, and a random Himmelwartz.

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Never uploaded this full character set. Was doing it for Airfleet Commander, a game a guy on our discord has been working on.

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North Ghurrkan Royal Aeroborne Paratroopers assault entrenched Shirudan positions late in the war. While deployment of such troops was spotty at best, the Aeroborne proved to be adept shock troops once they were on the ground.

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Seabring Secessionist battle UHR loyalists in the air above the Südwand mountain range.

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North Ghurrkan BR-11 Scimitars engage a Shirudan Cyclone Brigadier in the clouds above Karelia late in the war. As technology progressed, North Ghurrka’s prowess in intercepting and countering Shirudan brigadiers only increased as their foe grew more desperate.

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The Karelian K-Series airfortress was a take on the iconic Arcean Intrepid class. Many a' noble house would have their own heavily customized to where no two were alike. All but three where lost in the Great War. The K-27 was owned by House Birgir (BI).

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