Over the Airship scraps haha something cute to balance with the previous one. I'm sure you know what show I'm trying to emulate with ths one

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haha forgot to put this up here. Cyclone Brigadier crashes on no man's land.

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of characters one new and the other a staple. hahaha

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ARAF Rotweillers catch a Posse Sibrand off guard. Light fighters rarely fair well against capital ships. However, the dated Sibrands, and its equally antiquated Fuchs class escort have few defences against missile strikes from the supersonic aequalist jets.

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In that sweaty part of the semester -_-
Essay and an exam this week, another essay next week, and three more essays due after that.

Some of my old jet drawings. Used to mostly draw airplanes, oddly enough. Should get back into it at some point. Most but not all from

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Quick of Irenka Kolar, a character in I'm making an origins comic for haha

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I still have s in the bank :D this time featuring more airships and the main one here is a Beluga designed by

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Saru Unit Great War infantry

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shirudan assault trooper and LMG guy. and selp propelled gun.

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Old ARVn drawing. From a scene I never finished that I probably never will. Still appreciate it because it has the best rendition of the M1827.

The Arcean Revolutionary Vanguard are a largely volunteer force drawn from the various workers militias around Arcea.

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UWS Tactical Carrier and Carmine Turmfalke in 2020
the latter designed by :D Kinda gave up on the bg, looking at it now, it is at an odd angle. Should draw it again

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Aircraft engagements in Great War era

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The main classes of military airships.
Airturrets - Smol fastbois, good for CAS and COIN type duties
Airreduits - Good for picketing and escorting
Airredoubts - Main airship for actually fighting, some also have strategic weapons
Airfortress - The heavy setpiece capital ships

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Kovenian Airships and aircraft. haha see, airships in :D

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Some major side characters from the up coming project. Ceanna, a member of Arcea's Shadowrifles, and Marda, an owner of a famous nightclub in the heart of the Hoffnung capital.

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Late night ARVN appreciation post.

Has made a lot really cool logos for but the ARVN symbol is still a personal highlight.

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SNOB walking all cool like after a successful sabotage

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Some nations in dont have access to the technology and resources to produce airships, they make do with planes instead. I gotta draw them alongside airships.

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In the Great War there was winter fighting~ haaa! old works of mine that have more spunk than some of my new stuff.

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