Never forget 🕯️🕯️

"Trees Of Valinor" by Alyona Karavaeva (2014). Source:

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Galadriel después de cruzar a nado los Mares de Lágrimas de los Señoros Indignados tras dejar Valinor 👑

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Me pone muy contento ver tantos hilos explicando lore de Melkor/Morgoth a raíz de la serie, pero me da mucha pena el menosprecio que se le está haciendo a Ungoliant, cuando fue ella la que se cargó los árboles de Valinor.

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Ted Naismith has such a beautiful rendering of the Shores of Valinor, wouldn't you agree?

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Galadriel no vuelve a Valinor porque no está lista, tiene una cuenta pendiente, no ha encontrado la paz que le permita entrar el reino bendecido y la canción no surge en ella. Prefiere arriesgarse a morir antes que vivir eternamente sin encontrar la paz.

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Nazgûls, águilas, los árboles de Valinor siendo destruidos por Morgoth, Sauron…

El prólogo de El Señor de los Anillos: Los Anillos de Poder es ÉPICO.

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And at last Ar-Pharazôn came even to Aman, the Blessed Realm, and the coasts of Valinor
And still all was silent, and doom hung by a thread.

Pride was now his Master.

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Frodo and Celebrían, sharing a peaceful moment in Valinor. One of my TRSB2022 pieces!

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Aldmer fancy alt helmet.

A more recent piece of concept I did for "Alinor: The Eternal Paradise" a while back. A bit unfinished but since the proj's on hiatus, I can't be bothered now :\

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The earliest drawing of Tolkien’s secondary world. This depicts Valinor and the Two Trees producing the light of the sun and the moon.

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An old Fancomic from 2020. If meet at Valinor
I feel so sad today. Need some hilarious things...

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Popravdě mě z toho AI mrazí. Nejsem si jist, zda jsem za svůj život viděl nástroj takto převracející kreativu. Snad jen nástup počítačové grafiky. Tohle je výstup z 30 minut hrátek s klíčovými slovy. Cyberpunk Gandalf. Stromy Valinoru. Smrt kráčející napříč časem a prostorem.

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The Hound of Valinor, Huan! An icon comm for @/catloversforhuan on Tiktok! 🐕🐈

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Another drawing to celebrate the
This time, our fav big green wrestler, The Chruk, confronts the Kalinor dad in the ring >8D are you people ready for this colossal match?!

Chruk by

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Next Sunday, August 7, it's my brother 's birthday, so the Weekzel has officially started!!!!
It may not be everyday, but I'll be posting pics related to our OCs, starting with this one which shows something the Kalinor brothers love to do, boxing >:D!!!

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Totally missed but anyway, here's my elf oc 😊
And my own thoughts about how noldor's armour forged in Valinor might look like

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Valinor is central to the main story of the Second Age – what it represents to both men and elves. We can see Finrod, brother of Galadriel, walking towards the city of Tirion and the Two Trees of Valinor in the distance. 🎨 Art: “Finrod” by Elena Kukanova. 🧵13/

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Haven't drawn anything Silmarillion related for a long while!
Here Gandalf and Saruman on the early days in Valinor when they walked among elves in their disguise 💚🌿

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Ëarendil Arrives in Valinor with Elwing by Giovanni Calore

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